Good Morning Monday
Want to know how to make a slow start to your day even slower and infinitely sadder? Spill the last half cup of your coffee all over your knitting bag. Yep, just that easy. Thankfully my current project wasn't in the bag at the time. Today marks the first day of my new life. Yes, I moved in last week, but I haven't really been here. I stayed with my nephews and sister-in-law at my grandparents Thursday night. I left them Friday to pick up a couple youth and drive to camp for Youth Commission. Slept in a very cold admin room Friday night. Drove them home Saturday, only to go straight to a concert with more youth. My exhaustion caught up with me there and I ended up leaving early. I slept most of the day Sunday, which leads us to today. My goals for the day are simple. Showering, running errands with Adam when he gets off work, sorting through my books and putting them away... Nothing too time consumin...