I Am Aware Now
Just the other day I was working with my dearest friend Kouw on a fic. I was trying to channel a character I had never written before and decided I needed some happier, more upbeat music (but practical, not bubblegum pop) to do it. So I turned on my Alanis Morisette pandora station. It was every awful (but beautiful) song she has ever written with a few angtsy No Doubt songs thrown in for good measure. Not helpful to say the least. I turn it on just now looking for some angstiness to go with my current mood and I am treated to You Learn followed by Goo Goo Dolls. Not exactly what I needed. I hurt. I have been hurting for so long it feels like always. I had therapy today and have been ordered not to stretch this entire week. Apparently I am too stretchy. I feel like one of those Gumby figurines I had when I was little. She really worked my butt cheek and IT band. It was not fun, but I felt good enough to go for a walk around the block with Xander just now. I keep ho...