Marching on...and on...
I am tired and my head is pounding. Completely pounding. I had my new glasses adjusted last week but they still aren't completely right. My right eye is the worst. I don't understand why this is happening. I have the new glasses because someone -- not naming any names -- destroyed my last ones while I was in the shower getting ready to take him to the vet. He was sick and super needy because of it, his separation anxiety on overdrive. He's feeling better now, but I had to get new glasses and that meant new frames. I like the frames but apparently my eyes do not. They tried bending them to create a bit of a curve which helped but apparently it isn't quite there yet. It's nearly 3am and I am still awake. Not good. So here are some things that I did last month... Book: I am working my way through a book that was given to me by a friend. It is a religious book that is part of the latest fad. I find myself frustrated as I go through it and it is taking me foreve...