I am having trouble writing.  Also painting, sketching, knitting, cooking, dancing, singing and even just doodling while I am on the phone.  When I told God I would take on doing something creative each day of Lent, I had no idea it would be like this.  I have always been somewhat creatively inclined.  It just has come naturally and been helped along by years of art, music, dance and drama each day at school.  The Fine Arts are as much a part of my upbringing and my mind as 1+1=2.  I just knew that adding this to my everyday would be easy in the act, that it would be the time set aside to using it to glorify God that would be the hard part.  Wow, was I wrong.  It is like all the creative power has been zapped from me.  It takes everything I have just to knit a few rows each day.  I used to sit and watch tv while not even watching myself knit!  The difference is troubling.  It is making me think all the more about my sacrifices and how menial they are in comparison to what has been sacrificed for me.

I heard tonight about a girl, the sister of a good friend, who was and potentially is considering hurting herself over the break up of a relationship that lasted less than a year.  We prayed over the situation and I do believe God will bring healing and understanding to her heart, but it was hard to hear that she was willing to give up everything over this one person in her life.  

I also talked briefly with a man who is in his late 70s and last year lost his wife of 50 years.  He missed her everyday.  Still.  Nine months have passed of him waking up without her, getting ready for bed without a kiss goodnight, and going about his life without her input.  Yet, he still goes and does, knowing that God is not finished with him, that there is still his father's work to be about.

I hope to live my life this Lent like the latter of my friends.  Even as I struggle in the everyday, earthly things, I will set my mind, heart, body and soul on the heavenly.  I believe in a God who isn't done with me yet.  The great Creator, who is still creating within me and all of us today.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, So that you may abound in hope By the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. -Romans 15:13


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