This is me, playing along. :)

1. Favorite childhood book?
hmmm... Too many really but the first book I read by myself was Snow Joe by Carol Greene.

2. What are you reading right now?
A Wedding in December by Anita Shreve

3. What books do you have on request at the library?
Have yet to get my library card since I moved.  I need to do that.

4. Bad book habit?
Browsing the dollar shelves at Half Price Books and wanting to take them all home.

5. What do you currently have checked out at the library?
Bishop and the Beggar Girl of St. Germain by Father Andrew Greeley

6. Do you have an e-reader?

7. Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once?
Usually I read a book straight through, but on occasion I will pick up something in the middle.

8. Have your reading habits changed since starting a blog?
Yes, but not because of the blog

9. Least favorite book you read this year (so far?)
I usually don't finish something I don't like

10. Favorite book you’ve read this year?
Bishop in the Old Neighborhood by Father Greeley (noticing a theme?)

11. How often do you read out of your comfort zone?
Not often

12. What is your reading comfort zone?
mystery (leaning toward suspense, not gore), romance, comedy, chic lit, some mythology, some classics

13. Can you read on the bus?
Carsickness ruins this for me

14. Favorite place to read?
Bed or a comfy chair, but a blanket is a must

15. What is your policy on book lending?
Once I am done with a book it goes either on the keep shelf or out the door to someone else, hence the one dollar books :)

16. Do you ever dog-ear books?
No.  I have been known to tear semi-important papers to make bookmarks rather than do that

17. Do you ever write in the margins of your books?
Yeah depending on the book

18. Not even with text books?

19. What is your favorite language to read in?
English, what's my only language to read in? The same. :)

20. What makes you love a book?
The characters.  I can even deal with a cliche plot if I enjoy the characters.

21. What will inspire you to recommend a book?
If it affected me, whether with laughter or tears

22. Favorite genre?

23. Genre you rarely read (but wish you did?)
Award Winning Fiction

24. Favorite biography?
Hmmm, not sure about this one

25. Have you ever read a self-help book?
Nope, unless you count the Bible

26. Favorite cookbook?
Joy of Cooking

27. Most inspirational book you’ve read this year (fiction or non-fiction)?
Not sure

28. Favorite reading snack?
Milk Chocolate Milano cookies

29. Name a case in which hype ruined your reading experience.
I don't read many things right off the shelf.  I did read Twilight and in my opinion it did not live up to the hype, but I don't think I would have enjoyed it had there been nothing said about it anyway.

30. How often do you agree with critics about a book?

31. How do you feel about giving bad/negative reviews?
I try to stick to the say nothing if you can't say something nice.  When forced to give a bad review, I try to stay away from commenting on content.

32. If you could read in a foreign language, which language would you chose?
Hebrew or Greek

33. Most intimidating book you’ve ever read?
I am working on Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke

34. Most intimidating book you’re too nervous to begin?
Anything Dostoyevsky

35. Favorite Poets?
Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein

36. How many books do you usually have checked out of the library at any given time?
No more than 5

37. How often have you returned book to the library unread?
not often, unless I just ran out of time

38. Favorite fictional characters?
Bishop Blackie (Father Greeley), Anne Elliot (Jane Austen), Pomona Sprout (J K Rowling) - though the last mainly to play with in fanfiction. :)

39. Favorite fictional villain?

Ursula.  Even as an adult she still creeps me out
40. Books I’m most likely to bring on vacation?
Chic Lit, something that I won't mind putting down

41. The longest I’ve gone without reading.
Not sure

42. Name a book that you could/would not finish.
not sure

43. What distracts you easily when you’re reading?

44. Favorite film adaptation of a novel?
Lord of the Rings

45. Most disappointing film adaptation?
Harry Potter series

46. The most money I’ve ever spent in the bookstore at one time?
pleading the 5th

47. How often do you skim a book before reading it?
When I am completely unfamiliar with the author and title, I will open up to the middle and read a few pages just to make sure I will enjoy the style of writing

48. What would cause you to stop reading a book half-way through?
Editing errors, but usually I push through

49. Do you like to keep your books organized?

50. Do you prefer to keep books or give them away once you’ve read them?
I give them away

51. Are there any books you’ve been avoiding?
No, not really

52. Name a book that made you angry.
I threw the 6th Harry Potter book across the room

53. A book you didn’t expect to like but did?
not sure

54. A book that you expected to like but didn’t?
again, not sure

55. Favorite guilt-free, pleasure reading?
Anything Love Inspired.  Usually they are the fastest reads in the world, but it is nice and easy reading


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