Back to Basics

So I really have not blogged in a while.  I do a lot of blogging and letter writing in my work, so I think that kind of takes the edge off the need to write.  I would really like to do Nano this year though, so I need to find some motivation, stat!

Which leads me to bucket list land because Lizz did one and I always copy her. :)

As per Lizzie's instructions. 50 things I'd like to do before I die. In no particular order...

1. Visit Ireland

2. have no two pairs of socks that are alike and yet still have enough that I only have to wash them once a month
3. have a maid
4. Own a sports car
5. Invent window blinds that are inside the windows AND are programmable to open and shut throughout the day -- feel free to steal  this as long as you install them at my house :)
6. Own a house
7. Own a car that is less than 5 years old
8. Visit the Netherlands
9. Become fluent in sign language
10. Have health insurance (getting close!)
11. Raise a child (but maybe not have a child)
12. Own a chair and a half. Love those
13. Walk on oobleck
14. Live in a place that is closer to the equator but does not have huge bugs
15. Finish my degree
16. Get a masters degree
17. Work for my regional or national office of my denomination
18. Visit England
19. Go back to Prague
20. Do a Jane Austen tour
21. See Angela Lansbury in person
22. Go on vacation with another couple
23. Sew something I can wear
24. Own a bookstore or at least work at a locally owned one
25. Learn to salsa
26. Make salsa
27. Learn to cook
28. Cut my hair short and spiky
29. Write a book
30. Design a t-shirt
31. Find a comfortable bra
32. Live in Chicago
33. Become a yoga master :)
34. See a Democratic Woman become president
35. Visit Russia
36. Go to another OSU-Michigan game
37. Attend a game of each of my college football teams 
38. See OSU win the Rose Bowl
39. See OSU win the National Championship
40. Go to a Braves home game
41. Dance in the moonlight
42. Go to the Harry Potter amusement park
43. Visit with Stef Helms
44. Start a Hawkins family reunion
45. Get a dog
46. Take ballet
47. Take piano lessons
48. Be able to stand on my head and walk on my hands
49. Get back into theater
50. Have lasik eye surgery

Well there is that.  I think there were a couple things that surprised even my husband. :)

Husband... I like that word.

Night all.  Love, LJH


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