If It's Thursday, It Must Be Beverly

Do you believe it is 8:30 in the morning and I am already awake? I don't!

I have actually been awake for a few hours. It's been a long weekend. After the Overnight on Friday, I went to bed at 8am Saturday, slept until 8pm that night, then stayed up all the way through 6:30 last night. I tried to make it longer, but I just couldn't. I slept until a little before 5 this morning and have been up since. 

I read through a particularly lovely, romantic and in someways completely heartbreaking fanfiction called Seasons by Onesimus this morning. It's about the formation of a relationship between Elsie Hughes and Charles Carson, the housekeeper and butler of Downton Abbey. It's rated Mature for a reason, but also had some moments that brought tears to my eyes. I am actually still feeling melancholy even as I write this, hours later.

Do you ever do that? Get so into a book or movie that you are feeling what the characters must have felt? I find that I carry it with me into the rest of my day unless I do read or watch something to counter the  mood.

Benjamin Franklin is often quoted as saying Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. My proof this morning is that next up in my netflix queue is the MSW episode If It's Thursday, It Must Be Beverly. I have mentioned before that this is one of my favorite episodes and it really is. It is just so funny. I'm sure in another 47 minutes I will be feeling much more myself.

We are going to Columbus today for Stef-E's birthday. It will be nice to spend the day away just having fun. I miss that.


  1. Such a good episode! I haven't watched MSW in sooo long...now I want to. :)

  2. I'm so glad you survived the overnight :)

    And I take on characters' emotions all the time! On weekends at the 3rd shit job, we don't have a supervisor so I read between calls and I really had to struggle to not cry one night during a particularly pathetic moment.

  3. Oh, i have that. It's called 'empathy' and i carry oodles of that with me. If you are high sensitive, you are usually very empathic and i have a feeling most of the people replying here are just that.
    BTW - i am totally going to read that fanfic! I haven't read any in AGES!


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