Break Dance

It seems like much more than a month since I posted! So here is a quick break down...

  • I am still no pooing. I think I have washed my hair three times since my last post. I still don't quite have it down to a science, but the fact that I have only washed my hair three times in 3 weeks is worth it to me. I have tried to wait a day after it feels greasy to wash.

    This last wash, my scalp feels clean, the length feels nice and moisturized, the ends have needed a little coconut oil, but they are good. The problem is that the first couple of inches past my roots feel greasy. I'm not sure what I did differently, but I am going to keep brushing with my boar bristle brush to distribute the grease.

    It's a work in progress, but so far I am pretty happy with it!
  • WBH's sister, brother-in-law, their eight - Yes, EIGHT - kids, and the in-laws all came to our house the Saturday after Christmas and we all survived. It was a lot of fun having the house full of laughter. I was a bit worried about Xander and the kids because some are terrified of dogs. They all did pretty well except the youngest of the boys who was terrified and insisted his sisters carry him around so Xander couldn't eat him.

    Eat him. lol

    By the end of the day, Xander had completely won him over! While Xander laid on the floor chewing on his brand new toy, a turtle, his cousin was leaning against him calling him, "my couch." It was adorable and I wish now we had taken pictures.
  • So the white death descended this week. Thank you, Polar Vortex. We really didn't get that much snow, but I could have done without the negative temperatures. The wind chill was down to -40 F some nights. Our poor furnace has been running nearly constantly and we have had an electric space heater in the living room where we spend most of our time. It is just ridiculous.

    Some of the people in our area lost power which meant heat. Some, like the in-laws, just lost cable (no complaints there). I was surprised by the number of people who have heat pumps which apparently were not built to keep up in extreme temperatures. A few of my friends had to stay with other the last few days.

    The kids are returning to school tomorrow after having Thursday and Friday last week and Monday through Wednesday off this week due to snow and the temps. WBH skipped work on Monday (really his whole office did with the exception of two crazy souls), but made it in the rest of the week despite the freezing temps and ice covered roads.

    Other than taking the pup out for a walk today (now that it is finally warm enough for his little paws), I have not been outside the house since Sunday and surprisingly, that has been fine by me.
  • My doctor changed my medication last month. Actually he dropped one of my meds. It was prescribed by my family doctor which I am in the process of replacing (long story, another time), so I asked if he would write the new script as the old one was expired. He said that I didn't need it, in his opinion, and that he thought I would be fine just dropping it.

    I trust him, so I did it, and he was right, in a way. I am fine, but the first week was absolutely miserable. Withdrawal is not something to go through alone. Or maybe it would be better if I would have? I was angry, irritable, sore. I felt like I was getting over the flu and was hit by a truck. Everything throbbed. I had moments where it was all I could do to keep it together.

    It made me think about my medication and the way it works on my body. I have days that I am down and can barely function as it is. Without anything, I think it would only be worse. I remember the days before medication when I just wanted to sleep all day. I think now it was because if I was sleeping, I wasn't feeling awful, I wasn't constantly spending time listing all the good things in my life, I wasn't feeling suicidal in spite of all the good on that list.

    I think I am sleeping less now that I am down to just one medication, which is good because I was having trouble waking up before. I am having more nightmares, but I cannot tell if that is related or not.
So that's the last month or so. I have worked a little but not enough. O2 is picking up. I think. I hope.

I am going to try to update more often because I realize that looking over past entries really helps.

We'll see. ;)


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