You know it's bad when I'm listening to Avril Lavigne

So I got a smart phone.

I realize I very regularly have internet access and this is very likely a waste of money but I do feel safer/better/more in control or something like that.

I had a melt down a few weeks ago. It was not pretty. I am under a lot of stress right now and a lot of it is because so much is completely out of my hands right now. It's up to one of my advisors to see which classes I need to take and to decide if I can/should take one he is teaching this fall. It is up to another advisor to complete my financial aid appeal which will basically tell me whether I can go back to school at all. Work is really just about finding a balance between working full time and my volunteer work and my home life. I haven't even thought about friends yet. That seems completely beyond me right now.

I know this is why I had shingles a few weeks ago. I am on the mend with them, but I am also having other symptoms of breakthrough stress.

I can get through this. I know I can. I just wish I could fast forward through the next month or so.


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