Day Four & Still On the Couch...

Though to be fair, I didn't take up residency on the couch until day 2
of being ill.

So I am well into my nearly annual spring cold. I really thought I was
going to beat it this year! I have been taking care to dress warmly,
have stayed away from people who are sick, and have been trying to
take my vitamins more regularly. I'm not sure what more I can do! This
has meant a costly trip to Urgent Care. Thank God for the Walgreens
W-Card program. I don't want to think how much my meds would have been without it!

The cold medicine I am taking seems to put me asleep, though it has a
bright yellow box and says non-drowsy. I'm so odd with medicine that
way. I never really know how my body will react to something until I
take it. When they change their formulas, we're off to the races

So far this has just given me crazy dreams! I'll have to tell you
about that later!
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  1. I hope you feel better! I'm the same way with meds. The full prescription is always way too much for me. One time, my hand trailed for 4 hours after taking 2 Tylenol cold pills :p

    Take care of yourself!

  2. Ah, the infamous meds... i am a 'steamer' myself - just a pot of boiling water with chamomile and a teatowel over my head. Not very attractive, but it does work a treat, especially with sniffles (and it really clears your pores too). Unfortunately, you have the coughs. Poor you. I hope you'll feel better soon!
    (and do be careful you don't land yourself in that other situation that gives you horrible nightmares! Last night, i have dreamt my teeth broke off, i dreamt we were being burgled - i even got B out of bed to check!. Luckily after that i dreamt of Dutch-style cakes and pastries)


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