Use It Well

There are some movies that I can just watch over and over again.  You've Got Mail is one of those.  I am watching it right now and wondering why I do this to myself over and over again.  I get so involved in the shows I watch and the books I read.  I really feel like they are part of me, that their worries are my worries and their joys are mine as well.  It probably seems odd and I have trouble expressing exactly how it feels at times, but I do feel a connection with characters and situations that are purely fiction.

Nabokov once wrote, "Imagination, the supreme delight of the immortal and the immature, should be limited.  In order to enjoy life, we should not enjoy it too much."  I think about this from time to time when my imagination gets the best of me.  Usually it is after a rather intense reaction to something I have seen or read (i.e. my previous two posts) or when I have imagined how a situation would turn out in my real life, only to have to go completely differently.  Both are situations where my imagination builds something up so high that when it does fail, and it nearly always does in these cases, it is almost damaging to my psyche.  So instead of enjoying a show or being excited about something going on in my real life, I get disappointed that things didn't go exactly as I thought.  As I write this, I am well aware of how selfish and self-important I sound.  It's just that with my mind and the way it works, I can't help myself unless I consciously make the effort from the beginning to not form notions of how things will end.  Usually I am already into it by the time I realize there is a problem, which is not helpful.

I will leave you with my fortune from the chinese Adam just brought over: "It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well."


  1. Oh man, I'm the same way! I get very involved in characters lives and end up so upset or excited for them, it's hard for me to take that they're not real. And You've Got Mail is one of my standbys. Is it sad I know The Godfather quotes from it and not the original movies?


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