Google Girl to Shakespeare???

I am a brand girl. That doesn't necessarily mean brand name, but when I find a brand I like of something, I stick with it and I am willing to try anything related. This is true in food, in products of all kinds, in curriculum for my Youth, and definitely in my internet life. I am a Google Girl. My homepage on my laptop, desktop, and work computer are all google. When I am on another computer, I will skip their search bars in favor of going to google to search there. Whenever I enter into some new addiction or area of interest on the internet, I tend to look to Google to make things easier.

Google reader is my first stop each morning, even before I read my email. I glance through the top news, read my webcomics and glance through the updates from The Rachel Maddow Show and others. I also use Reader to follow my friends blogs, which I tend to read in marathons of blog reading as opposed to day by day. 

Tonight, as I watch BBC World News on my local PBS seeing people flee the East Coast as Irene closes in and people cheering at the fall of Gaddafi/Hadhafi/Qaddafi/Qadhafi/Khaddafi/Kadafi/Gadhafi/Gathafi... I am amazed that after all these years as the leader of Libya and all these weeks of his name being in the news, we cannot come to a consensus on how they would like their name spelled. It makes me wonder if anyone has even bothered to ask. Anyway, I am watching BBC World News and glancing through the blogs I follow. I was beginning to think one of the women had taken the summer off from blogging (which is totally understandable), and she recently posted to say how hard it is to get back to blogging after being away.

I completely agree. I enjoy blogging and writing in my journal, but for some reason, I have so much trouble doing it. There is ample proof that I used to write stories with ease, but now even thinking about it makes my stomach ache. Why is that? Why is it so hard for me to do something I enjoy this much?

I have decided to really try for NaNo this year. I am working on a character profile now and beginning to plot ideas. I think there is a block in my creativity somewhere - a self-imposed block. I get so caught up in wanting to be liked and in fear of failure that I sometimes can't move at all. 

I was thinking today about Hamlet. I read something that mentioned the play today and it made me think about choices I have each day. The only thing I really remember from studying the play (have I mentioned my dislike of Shakespeare?) is that by not making a choice, I am making a choice or at least letting the choice be taken from me. I don't want to live that way any more. 

Did I really just apply Shakespeare to a life lesson? It must be time for bed.


  1. 1) I love the BBC, but you're totally right about the spelling thing.
    2) I hate Hamlet, but you're also totally right about using him in a life lesson. It's very wise- I'm going to remember it :)
    3) I'm SO EXCITED that you're going to do NaNo. Camp NaNo was incredibly helpful in getting me going again. I've written more in the last two months than I have in the past year, and I even want to try my hand at fanfiction again. It's made me remember "hey, I like doing this." and I have plans to do some serious finishing/revising in September and October.
    4) Expect a NaNo care package to show up on your doorstep when it gets closer to that time :)


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