Though He slay me...

I could say a lot of things about the way I feel right now, but I am getting tired of thinking and talking about this. Needless to say it is another sleepless, painful night and I am waiting and praying for the pain killers to kick back in.

I have been thinking about Job a lot tonight. WBH and I taught the Job class at camp this summer. It is one of his favorite books of the Bible and one of my least favorite, though it contains my favorite verse: "though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him" or as the New Living Translation puts it, "God may kill me, but He's my only hope." Job 13:15

Here is my lesson moment, be careful what you ask for!

Part of my problem with Job is that I could never understand his faith during it all. I mean when you read the story, you know what is going on from God's point of view. I think it is important to read the book from only Job's point of view too. He had no knowledge of God's deal with the Devil. He didn't know that God made the devil keep his health and then just his life safe. He had no idea what was going on except that his whole understanding of his relationship with God and what it meant and looked like to be a righteous man were suddenly being called into question. His friends, people who had once come to him for advice and looked up to him, no longer trusted his judgement. His own wife tried to convince life wasn't worth living as he was and this in a time that they did not believe in an afterlife! Seriously, how did he keep it?

Which is where my favorite verse comes in... And it's also how I am relating it to my own life.

He had to keep his faith because in the end, it's all he had left. God was his only hope and he's my only hope as well. I have no idea what is going on with my body or why. I'm not inclined to think God sent this to me as some sort of test, but what do I know? What do I know?

I know that no matter what happens, I will trust in Him. Amen.


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