Stay awake.

I may never sleep again.

I have been having horrifying nightmares for weeks, but today's really was beyond anything my subconscious has come up with so far. I don't even want to go into it.

I came home from work around 3 because my horsefly bite from friday (huge blister that popped in the night last night) was making my ankle throb and I just couldn't focus anymore. I came home and went right to bed and slept so hard.  And had such an awful nightmare it actually made me ill. I was motion sick the rest of the day. I couldn't even make it home from dropping my cousin off. I had to have WBH (World's Best Husband) and his dad come rescue me from MommaJ's house. We didn't even make it home from there before we had to stop again.  My stomach has not been right since last week.

I sat down at the counselor's meeting after breakfast last monday and turned to WBH saying, "I'm going to throw up." I barely made it to the rest room. From there I went to the infirmary and got sick again - so much so that they had to get me a change of clothing. It was freaking awful all week. I basically lived from one nap to the next. I really haven't been all that better since.

I wish I could just reset my body and feel better. The good news is that my right hip is feeling pretty good!

Anyway, I then had to deal with bugs tonight. Xander would not settle down because we had the mother of all crickets chirping in the basement. I finally went down to kill it and encountered lots and lots of cobwebs and a huge spider. The cricket ended up being two and they were both massive. No idea how they got down there. The good news is that I killed them and Xander was asleep by the time I got out of the shower (trying to get rid of the creepy feeling of the cobwebs and things).

Between the nightmares and the bugs, I think I'd rather stay awake.


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