Two posts in a month? Whhhaaat?

Well I really consider my last post more of july's, since it happened so early in the morning, but still it is a rarity.

I have had the pop song, "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen stuck in my head for nearly a full month. I don't understand why! I had never even heard the song before mission trip (as I listen to little more than Christian music and carefully selected and groomed Pandora stations) and now I cannot stop singing it. It's even making WBH crazy, poor man.

In other news, I am working on journaling every day. Its helping me remember details and put some things in perspective, though it is still hard to make myself sit down and do it each day. Hopefully that will get easier as I continue.

WBH is spending the night at the church tonight. There is a program in town to help homeless families. They spend the evening and nights at churches (a week at a time) and then during the day go to the center to have help with job training, finding homes and work, schooling, or whatever it is they need to help get them back on their feet. Two of our high school boys signed up to stay overnight, but it was felt they needed an adult to stay with them - enter WBH. They have adopted him as one of them anyway, so it seems fitting.

He's not even been gone an hour and I already miss him. The house is just so quiet and empty without him here. It's funny to me that I can miss him this badly when he has barely left! Even if he was home, we would probably be in separate rooms doing our own thing. It must be love. :)


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