No Shampoo Day1

It has been a long fall and in a lot of ways I have needed to make a change. I realize dropping shampoo may seem radical or anticlimatic depending on your view, but at least it is a project and something I can do by and for myself!

I forgot to take a before photo, but basically my hair is just below my shoulder with layers. The back of my hair - basically everything from my ear back and everything but the top layer in the back - has been super curly, nearly ringlets. The hair in the front and on top is straight. I have no idea where those super curls have been coming from.

Today I used 1 part castille soap to 5 parts water as shampoo. It was nuts! I couldn't believe how stripped my hair felt. I couldn't run my fingers through it at all! And I had the dreaded waxy feel so then I was worried how hard our water is and if I was going to be stuck with wax for days.

I washed it again with the bit of castille soap water mix I had left and it was the same. I rinsed and rinsed AND rinsed before opening the water bottle I had mixed my apple cider vinegar in. It was roughly 1 part ACV to 3 parts water in a 20 oz bottle. I ended up doing this twice too.

It was at this point I remembered I was supposed to do a deep conditioning treatment during this shower too per this blog which is the main source I used after much research including the No Poo and Low Poo Facebook Forum and the links in their documents.

I of course was not prepared for the deep conditioning. Instead I poured a little extra ACV mix into my hair and really worked it through the length of my hair and the ends. I twisted it all up and went about the rest of my shower routine. Then it was the moment of proof. I rinsed out the ACV mix and was AMAZED.

My hair slid through my wide tooth comb like silk. It feels super light and bouncy. I am seeing a bit more curl in the front though not as much as in the back. I'm wondering if it was too much ACV at this point, but I'd rather have hair I can run my fingers through and have to work on pulling the natural oil through the length of my hair by "preening" and with my boar bristle brush.

Now I get to see how long I can go without washing my hair again. We'll see! lol


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