No Shampoo Day4 (ish)

Regrets? I've had a few...

Remember that whole deep conditioning thing I forgot to do? They were serious about that one. Seriously.

By Wednesday afternoon, my hair was a complete rats nest underneath. I could brush it out and did a few times with my fingers before I got home to use the brush, but it was a mess moments later! So before I made dinner I took one of the bananas we had just gotten from the store (because WBH had eaten the overripe banana I had been saving for this purpose. How dare him!), mashed it, added some apple cider vinegar and honey... and (here's the regret) a touch of coconut oil.

I know, I know. Coconut oil and No Poo apparently do not mix for most people. Apparently, I am one of the most people.

I put this in the length of my hair, twisted it up, and had WBH wrap me in plastic wrap. I started our dinner of potato soup and then took a shower to rinse it out with hot water.

24 hours later my hair still looked wet. I had read that is what happened to people who used coconut oil, but I thought if I just used a little it wouldn't be a problem. Right...

I was so tired after my 3rd day in a row of assessing a consumer as he worked in below freezing temps in a loading area that I went to bed at 7:45pm and slept until 10am today! So well rested, but unshowered, I took my still oily, wet looking hair to the shower. I rinsed it really well in hot water but it didn't seem to be doing anything. I took the bottle I used to mix the castille soap on Tuesday and put just enough soap to cover the bottom before filling it up to the 10 oz line with water. I poured this over the length of my hair and rinsed, followed by the Apple Cider Vinegar rinse.

My hair is better, but 15 hours after my shower, my hair is still damp. My goal is to make it until Sunday morning without washing my hair. I took Xander for a quick jog instead of his usual walk tonight and since then, my scalp has been a bit itchy. I don't know if it was the sweat or what. I may give in and wash it tomorrow. We'll see.

For the record, at least so far, I am not regretting this project!


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