I look in the mirror and all I see...

Two blogs in a weekend, what?? lol

I am up waiting for the sheets and blanket in the dryer to finish so I can put the towels in it. I should probably be cleaning out the frig right now, but here I am. WBH came home and I was very happy to see him. We sat together and chatted during dinner at Youth and then stayed up for over an hour just talking after the last of the Whosoevers (my name for the post high school to 20-somethings group we started on Sunday nights after Youth) had left. It made me feel better that he missed me as well. It is good to be needed.

I think God may be leading me to take a stand for the cause of equal rights under the law, but also under the Christian banner. I'm never sure where things will end up, but I am feeling stretched that way. Not that I don't believe in equality anyway, but I am wary of pushing peoples buttons, especially in my position. But you don't get anywhere with God by being subtle, so we'll see what He has in mind.

I am just about ready to start painting the piece I have been working on for my mom. I will take some in process shots of it before I begin and the finished product. I needed to wait until I was sure what I wanted it to say, not in words but in thought, if that makes sense. I have to visualize it and see what it means for me before I actually take brush to canvas. I also need to find the rest of my paint before then as well. I may cheat and look at some 2D  black and white pictures of roses to get the shading right. It has been so long since I did anything like this; I am beginning to doubt my ability to execute my vision. The good thing with paint is that I can layer over my mistakes! lol

The playlist on my ipod may have an issue. It's called "90's Music," but She's Like the Wind just started. lol Can't look in her eyes, she's out of my league. I love this song. :)


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