The Xander Files: Episode 1

We adopted a new puppy on Sunday (the 27th). He is a Shar Pei mix and too freaking adorable for words. WBH felt he had a "noble chin" and so we named him Alexander the Great, or Xander for short.

He's had a few accidents in the house, but is starting to get the hang of house-training. He is such a needy little guy that the only reward he needs is loving and he is happy. Seriously, he drops his treats as he dances around begging to be pet. It is very sweet and makes it hard to be strict with him when he does make a mistake.

His former owners were not great with him and he moved from the pound to them to foster care to us. I think he is still not sure that this is his forever home, but every time he follows WBH around or snuggles closer to me in his sleep, I feel like he is starting to get it. :) It is awesome to watch him transform into a happier, healthier guy and we have only had him two days. He needs to put some weight on. Parvo took a lot out of him. We are feeding him three times a day and adding yogurt for a few more calories and to help him be regular, not to mention treats. We should have him plump before you know it!

I am just so excited to have him around. I know there will probably be some trials ahead and that he is going to have shots and be neutered down the road, but I really think he is the little man for us.

Xander with his favorite toy. We could have saved a fortune at the Pet Store if only we had known! :)


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