
Showing posts from September, 2011

Raisin Pie

It's just after midnight and not only am I awake, I'm suddenly craving raisin pie. Why does my body do such strange things? I finished up reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Do you know this story? Mrs. Lacks died of cervical cancer during the 1950s. Before her death, a doctor took a cell sample from her cervix. The cell descendants of those cells are still alive today. It's pretty crazy to think about. The book details Lacks' life and continues with the lives of her husband and children, mainly focusing on her daughter. At the same time, it explains some of the science behind the "immortal life" of her cells. It was a surprisingly fast and enjoyable read. I'm looking forward to our book club's chat about it. Our next book is Lisa See's Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. I'm not sure what else we could have picked that would be so different. :)

Yay for awesome friends!


Wristcutters: A Love Story

I just finished watching Wristcutters: A Love Story . It is the story of a twenty-something year old man stuck in a quasi-afterlife after committing suicide. Most of the movie is shot in drab colors and no one smiles. Really; it's a thing that no one can smile there. Despite all evidence to the contrary, it was actually an uplifting movie. I felt like it handled a sensitive subject well and was an interested take on things, that is for sure! WBH is on his way home from his parents. He picked them up at the airport around midnight and just got them in and finished chatting. They were cruising Alaska for the last week or so and seemed to have a really great time. I am sure I will hear all the stories many times over and get to sit through lots of pictures. :) I am feeling pretty good right now. My pain isn't too bad and my depression is managable. That sounds awful as I type it, but that is a big step forward. Tomorrow I have an afternoon appointment with the NP at my gynecol...

We give thanks that you do not lose your own.

One of the fun things in my job is putting together services. I'm sure if I had to do this week in and week out, it would not be a novelty and maybe less of a thrill but as of now I am enjoying it. :) This weekend is our kick-off and while I have most of that done, I am trying to work in some of the liturgy that has been offered by our national church for 9/11 Remembrance services.This is a prayer written by Sharon Watkins, General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada and one of my long standing man-crushes. :) Ever-present God, We give you thanks that you are ever near. Today as we remember those lost to us 10 years ago on that day we now call 9/11, we give thanks that you do not lose your own. Memories come to us, O God - where we were; what loved one we needed to place. Horror at the brazenness of it; sorrow at the loss of life. There is still so much we do not understand. And yet we know that each one lost to...

A cry for help.

Laying here on the couch, I feel like I could run a mile. As soon as I stand up, I nearly double over in pain. I can take more vicodin in an hour, but really that just makes it manageable, which is frustrating, and I think it is what is keeping me up. That, and the pain. I'm having trouble concentrating. I feel like a bouncing ball is going around my head, hitting on one thing and then another so fast that I can't keep up. My depression is beginning to creep up on me. I am going to call my doctor tomorrow about that. I know that it is partly because fall is coming and it has gotten cold and grey this week. But part of it is this pain. I can't do laundry or wash dishes. I can't play with Xander. I can't drive and I can't think, so working is not possible. I'm not even supposed to work until next week according to the ER doc anyway. I want to exercise. I want to do more things. I want to get off this couch. And yet, even trying to make the bed earlier was ...

Writing Hearts

So I wrote a story today. It has seriously been well over a year, probably two or three since I wrote anything, so it was a bit surprising. :) If you don't know, I dabble in Harry Potter Fanfiction under the handle OSUSprinks . I don't know why I stopped writing. I don't know why I started back in today. I went through a couple boxes, giving things a new place in our home, and found my old Quotes Diary. I love quotes and started keeping journals full of them a few years ago. Anyway, this one had a list of prompt words from a challenge that went around the fanfic world a while back. I got to looking at how many of them I had finished already and wondered if I could finish the whole list. That's where this story came from. I thought I would share it here because I share so much of my struggle with creation, I want to share the occasional triumph! :) Happy reading... Title: Hearts Rating: E for Everyone A/N: I haven't written anything in longer than I can remembe...