Raisin Pie

It's just after midnight and not only am I awake, I'm suddenly craving raisin pie. Why does my body do such strange things?

I finished up reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Do you know this story? Mrs. Lacks died of cervical cancer during the 1950s. Before her death, a doctor took a cell sample from her cervix. The cell descendants of those cells are still alive today. It's pretty crazy to think about. The book details Lacks' life and continues with the lives of her husband and children, mainly focusing on her daughter. At the same time, it explains some of the science behind the "immortal life" of her cells. It was a surprisingly fast and enjoyable read. I'm looking forward to our book club's chat about it.

Our next book is Lisa See's Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. I'm not sure what else we could have picked that would be so different. :)


  1. How funny! My book club's next book is Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, too! We also keep talking about Henrietta Lacks, but haven't officially chosen it as a book yet. It's on my list though :)


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