Wristcutters: A Love Story

I just finished watching Wristcutters: A Love Story. It is the story of a twenty-something year old man stuck in a quasi-afterlife after committing suicide. Most of the movie is shot in drab colors and no one smiles. Really; it's a thing that no one can smile there. Despite all evidence to the contrary, it was actually an uplifting movie. I felt like it handled a sensitive subject well and was an interested take on things, that is for sure!

WBH is on his way home from his parents. He picked them up at the airport around midnight and just got them in and finished chatting. They were cruising Alaska for the last week or so and seemed to have a really great time. I am sure I will hear all the stories many times over and get to sit through lots of pictures. :)

I am feeling pretty good right now. My pain isn't too bad and my depression is managable. That sounds awful as I type it, but that is a big step forward. Tomorrow I have an afternoon appointment with the NP at my gynecological office. Hopefully she will be able to shed some light on what is going on with my body and mind.

I would love to be able to sleep.


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