We give thanks that you do not lose your own.

One of the fun things in my job is putting together services. I'm sure if I had to do this week in and week out, it would not be a novelty and maybe less of a thrill but as of now I am enjoying it. :) This weekend is our kick-off and while I have most of that done, I am trying to work in some of the liturgy that has been offered by our national church for 9/11 Remembrance services.This is a prayer written by Sharon Watkins, General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada and one of my long standing man-crushes. :)

Ever-present God,
We give you thanks that you are ever near.
Today as we remember those lost to us 10 years ago on that day we now call 9/11, we give thanks that you do not lose your own.
Memories come to us, O God - where we were; what loved one we needed to place. Horror at the brazenness of it; sorrow at the loss of life.
There is still so much we do not understand.
And yet we know that each one lost to us is found in your embrace. For this we praise you.
Other memories come: awe at the courage of first responders; the rallying cries of friendship from around the globe; our own love of this nation we call home; the desire of so many to connect in worshiping community with you.
Even now, dear God, may we continue to seek you - knowing that you are ever near. Strengthen us to be the evidence that you are near. Help us to build on the courage of that day; on the love and friendship and faith. Mold us into your ambassadors for healing and wholeness and hope.
Come near through us we pray in Jesus' name,

I just love that, but one line in particular really called to me, "we give thanks that you do not lose your own." 

I have been feeling lost over the last few weeks as I have struggled with my pain. I have read and reread Psalm 69 which has often brought me solace as I have dealt with my depression in the past, but this has been different. I needed to hear, again, that no matter what I am going through, I can never be lost to God. Those who we lose in this life are only gone from this place, not forever.

Thank you God.


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