Writing Hearts

So I wrote a story today. It has seriously been well over a year, probably two or three since I wrote anything, so it was a bit surprising. :) If you don't know, I dabble in Harry Potter Fanfiction under the handle OSUSprinks. I don't know why I stopped writing. I don't know why I started back in today. I went through a couple boxes, giving things a new place in our home, and found my old Quotes Diary. I love quotes and started keeping journals full of them a few years ago. Anyway, this one had a list of prompt words from a challenge that went around the fanfic world a while back. I got to looking at how many of them I had finished already and wondered if I could finish the whole list. That's where this story came from. I thought I would share it here because I share so much of my struggle with creation, I want to share the occasional triumph! :) Happy reading...

Title: Hearts
Rating: E for Everyone
A/N: I haven't written anything in longer than I can remember, so be kind! Love, Sprinks

Minerva considered the board with a cat-like stare.

He had often seen Miss Norris stop and stare, her head tilted to the left and her eyes fixed on a specific place in space or perhaps in time; she was one feline he had never really understood.

Minerva moved her head to tilt to the right as he picked up another cookie, the only sign of her disapproval of his sweet tooth. Her tongue peeked out between clenched, white teeth and rosy lips, a sign she thought she had him.

He nibbled on the cookie before setting it down and picking up another. Minerva was now so focused, trying to see the moves he might make in response to hers that she did not notice his steady progress through the cookies, breaking and nibbling on parts of them. It was not until she made her move, a triumphant glee evident on her face that she realized what he had done.

All of her ginger cookies, once in the shape of newts, were now perfect hearts.


He made a move, followed by a quiet, "check mate!"



  1. haha I love it! It's nice to see poor Albus win a game once in awhile. I'm glad you're writing again!


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